Robert Geldof, hailing from Belgium, always had an interest in beautiful things and spent all his life working in the production of clothes. Having been undoubtedly successful in his endeavours, with over 120 shops, he decided to sell everything when he was 60 years old to retire and enjoy life as he calls it.

He and his family discovered Punta Cana through friends and the golf community in Belgium, and the rest is history. They’ve called this luxury holiday destination their second home for the past 10 years and Villa Beis is his third house that he can finally call his. This is simply because the two prior had ended up being sold almost immediately after he’d built them (despite not initially creating them to sell, he tells us). This time, this home was meant to stay and be enjoyed by his family. Through his taste and knowledge, he’s managed to bring Belgium to the Caribbean.

A Belgian treasure in punta cana
Villa Beis is bordering a PGA course with over 1200 square metres of livable space, an overflowing pool, a 1-star cook, and even a fireplace (which you’ll be pressed to find on the island)– and you’ll soon realise that Robert Geldof has created a sanctuary in itself.
For the conceptualisation of this beautiful home, he worked with Belgian architect Charles van Canneyt who worked very closely under the famous Belgian interior designer Axel Vervoordt. The windows were completely taken from Belgium as well, designed so that they are invisible with no metal and only glass. This was done, he says, so you can take in the view and bathe in the stunning natural light that Punta Cana has to offer. The interior design was sourced specifically from Belgian designers Axel Vervoordt and Vincent van Duysen.

distant inspirations
You’ll start to see a theme emerging here, that while Robert Geldof has created a home away from home in this southeastern tip of the Dominican Republic, he hasn’t left his roots behind. While his desire for a modern style is present, there's a sense of reminiscence when you stay at Villa Beis. Traditional wall art evokes the feeling of the Belgian countryside, while black and white portraits accentuate the feeling of a bygone era. Aside from the touches of Belgium he brought in through interiors, art, and design, he also incorporated his love for travel in the experiences you have in the house. One particular thing he loves and loves to share with guests is having what he calls a “Four Seasons breakfast”. In the mornings, under the ‘palapa’ or the large outdoor hut in the garden overlooking the pool, you can sit at the large dining table made for entertaining and have your 1-star chef cooking anything and everything you desire to start your day. Whether it’s eggs however you like it, or bacon and sausages fresh off the grill, there’s nothing quite like the luxury of ‘ask and you shall receive’, and see it happen right before your eyes at that!

architectural roots
The roof, flat and sharp, that creates dramatic angles as the building stands outlined against the sky is truly something to see. From the very beginning, you have the sense it was carved out of a rock that has always stood there. The balanced exterior design furthers this feeling, with local flora popping up as if on its own around the premises. You’ll be surprised to know that the stunning exterior wall was made ‘sur place’. The rocks were brought directly from the quarry and made to measure on-site.

He also tells us that it was an interesting project because of the regulations in terms of building aesthetics on the island. Robert desired a contemporary house, and hilariously enough, the problem was the roof.
“In Punta Cana, they love the classic style, so my desire for a flat roof was difficult! But I won in the end!”
While Robert and his family only call Punta Cana home for a few months at a time during the year, he’s succeeded in immortalising his Belgian heritage through the celebration of design and culture at Villa Beis. It’s an experience truly worth living, through the minute details he’s chosen to showcase the beauty that hails from his homeland.